I saw this poem on the TTC heading to the deserted Bessarion station, apparently the least-used stop of the entire network. In the quiet of an empty subway car these words were a bit of delight in my day – and I wanted to share them. Seeing this reminded me that beauty and surprise can be found in unexpected places. We just need to be open to noticing.
Footnotes for the Toronto Sky by Pujita Verma
Before, I didn’t think there was such a thing as too much light. This city blinds its own night. There are supposed to be 4,500 stars visible from where we stand, I see only you.
We took the ferry to Centre Island, for a moment, captured the city’s behemoth as a simple subject of our visual fields, edge to edge, everything brilliant the bulbs of an eye could hold.
On the walk back, we followed a road not illuminated by any street lamp. Talked about how one day, if an apartment made sense & we could afford the view, we might become one of the beautiful, flickering windows.