At the beginning of 2021 making New Year’s resolutions and shiny goals seems pretty ambitious. Most people are just aiming to get by with their mental and physical health intact until this damn pandemic is over. Of course, if people are starting the year making big plans and forging ahead I celebrate and support that – after all, I’m a coach! But what if you feel you can’t do that right now?
I am a coach because I really want to help people make positive changes in their lives. I am curious about how some people make positive life changes and others seem mired, stuck in unhappy situations, lifestyles or jobs and unable to take action.
I have a friend I really admire. She was bounced out of two high-level jobs. Each time it was a huge shock – a new CEO came in and just replaced the whole management team. The second time she was over 60 and had been in the job for almost a decade. It was amazing how she handled these job losses. With no bitterness, a good attitude, tenacity, flexibility and optimism…she did eventually find a new job each time.
My question to her was: “How were you so resilient, and other people just stay stuck?” Her reply: “How do you know they’re stuck? Maybe they’re just resting.” Wise words.
How about you? Yes – during the pandemic some people are tackling big life challenges like making a career or relationship change or selling a house. Wow – good for them! But if you are simply not up for that right now do not be discouraged – reframe it. You don’t need to make huge moves to still progress towards what you want in your life. Telling a trusted person about your hopes and dreams, researching, visioning, figuring out what it would mean to you to pursue a new path are all ways to marshal your forces for future action.
As a coach I can help you move forward – fast or slow – it is up to you. Let’s start a conversation. www.mycoachpaulette.com.