As I write this, a little while after the Spring Equinox and while a thunder shower rages outside, I think of the hopeful transformation of this time of year. As the dirty snow is washed away, the days lengthen and the sun shines stronger I love the feeling of impending change and renewing life at this time of year.
This year Easter, Passover and Ramadan are being observed by the faithful at the same time. This convergence makes me happy. It just makes me think that millions of people coming together for pauses of reflection and celebration around the world could be a reminder that people are more alike than different. We all seek meaning in life and need community, friendship and connection, whatever our religious or secular beliefs.
Crocuses and snowdrops popping up their hopeful, pretty heads makes me think of the vitality and beauty in all of us. I recently learned the traditional story of the crocus, which is called moostoos ohtsi in Cree, meaning “buffalo (or bison) belly button”. The story goes that a crocus will grow where a baby bison was born. Long, long ago a newborn bison dropped his belly button into the snow and up sprang a tiny purple crocus. I mean, how cute is that? My prairie heart is warmed.
So – how about your Spring transformation? How do you want to show up? to grow? Take inspiration from the buds of spring. Push up against whatever is holding you down and spring forth in flower!