As the year draws to a close…

So, it is almost over – what do you think about 2022? This can be a good time to take stock and look to the future. Whether you considered it a good year or not how you reflect on and tell yourself the story of the year’s events, how you lived and dealt with them, …

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The next stage, your way…

I am excited to share that I am now a Certified Professional Retirement Coach! Who knew such a role existed, right? And why did I do this extra training? In my work I already help clients make significant life changes. However, “retirement”, in whatever form it takes, presents its own unique challenges. I wanted to get specific tools to help people anticipate and make a healthy transition. So – with more learning I am now launching my retirement transition program.  

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“Never apologize for food…”

That was what my sweet, wise-beyond-her-years daughter said to me a long time ago. I was bringing a dish to the family dinner table. I had spent a long time preparing it. But before I even set it down I was saying that it might not be that tasty, that maybe the recipe hadn’t worked out right. My little sage turned to me and said: “You making us food is a good thing. It is like a present you are giving us. Don’t apologize for food, mom.” Wow… I have kept this in my heart ever since and shared it with many friends. To me it applies to more than just food.

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Running at my own best pace…

I am happy to share this inspiring guest article by my friend Audrey Danaher: Running season is upon us and as the training and races get into full swing, I’m reminded of the most important life lesson I’ve learned from the activity over the years: Run at my own best pace. It’s a lesson that …

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What is on your horizon?

Summertime horizons…what are you looking toward? Some of my coaching clients are taking a summer pause, and that’s fine and good. Reculer pour mieux sauter is a French expression that roughly translates as stepping back to make a better jump. Summer is a good time to do that.

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Fierce & Fragile

Role model!

There is a group of older women I see at the pool. Many of them use walkers and canes. Some arrive with their swim floatie around their waist already. They are coming for a swim or aquafit. They chat in Portuguese, Mandarin, Italian and beautiful Jamaican English. Over a lifetime they have travelled tens of thousands of miles to meet on this Tuesday at this slightly shabby but well-loved community centre. I am sure their life stories could fill a library. 

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…No, not that kind of micro-dosing. I have no knowledge of magic mushrooms or psychedelics. But I do know ways to micro-dose on joy and pleasure that can enhance your life…every day. I don’t really believe in bucket lists. There is something grasping about thinking you have to do or achieve something before you “kick …

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The Gift of Listening

Image by Juri Gianfrancesco

I am struggling to write an article at the end of this tumultuous year. I have thought of writing about what we’ve learned from the pandemic, using the new year as a fresh start to make life changes, vitality despite adversity etc… but nothing came together or seemed genuine. Instead I will leave you with this passage from Henri Nouwen.

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Don’t Quit Your Daydream!

I love this message by the talented artist @TimPSingleton. Every time I ride past on my return from the pool it puts a big smile on my face. Years ago, when I was hustling between a 9 – 5 job, daycare and home responsibilities I dreamt of being able to swim every day and never …

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What I’ve Learned from Coming In Last

A few weeks ago I went on a beautiful group bike trip. I headed out near the front of the pack and within a half-hour, all 34 other riders had passed me and I was last in line. It didn’t bother me at all. I am pretty slow but I was not struggling, just taking …

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